ok, so you've mastered the typical standing figure and now
you want them to actualy fight and move. The key here is the stick
figure and the line of motion. Lot's of artist (myself included
once) got all caught up in the clothes and muscles and details
waaaaay to early in the drawing. The key to a good action pose
is a strong foundation and the stick figure will help us with
Pre-Step: Stick Figure Hero!
This is as
complicated as you should get when making a stick figure...stay
fast and loose. Make little circles to show where the joints and
head are. Don't worry about fingers and toes. Just make a solid
stick man.
Step 1: Stick figure set-up
Here I got a JohnWoo set-up. The character is crouched down behind
a bar ready to jump out and fight Gunz-a-blazin'. I just concentrate
on making the gesture believable and dynamic.
Step 2: How do I make it Dynamic?
The first thing I draw (and I shoulda shown this first) is the
Line of motion. This line is a smooth curve that goes from the
top of the characters head, through the body via the spine and
out . I build the stick figure on this line.
Step 3: Fleshing it out
In my 2 prior tutorials I show you how to draw body parts using
balls, cones and cylinders.
I just posted another tutorial on Foreshortening..check
those out for help on this step.
Keep the integrity
of the stickfigure and lightly work in the body shapes.Keep fast
and loose..don't press to hard with the pencil here.
Step 4: Finishing up:
Use a kneaded eraser (see Materials)
and blot away your lighter support lines while darkening in the
lines you wish to keep. Voila