The Head itself should be 4 big eyes wide:
Half an eye on the left, eye, eye, eye, half on the right.

The Ears should be located on horizontal lines drawn out from the eyebrows and the nose.

OK..Here we are at the beginning. The human head is pretty much an "egg" shape. the set up for this is to draw a circle representing the top of the head and an inverted cone for the chin.

Anime chins are much sharper than standard chins. Don't go making an arrowhead out of the chin but think more along the lines of the bottom half of a heart. (the cartoon kind of heart..not the biologically correct heart)

The placement of the nose should be located on a horzontal line between the eyeline and the chin line

On a normal human face, the width of the mouth would be determined by the center point of the pupils of the eye. Anime mouths are somewhat smaller so I use the inside corners of the eye as a guide. Experiment with whatevers best for you.


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Web Design & Art ©1999 Patrick Shettlesworth: Studio Atomica