First you may want to download and print out the template I made
just for class so you can follow along. It includes a bald female
and male head. Use it to develop your own hairstyles.
1) Download Template (adobe acrobat
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
Step 1: Define the Hairline
The hairline is located on a line that extends from ear to ear
at a 45 degree angle up from the eyeline. Or..bisects the forehead
horizontally between the eyes and the crown of the head. This
characters har parts down the middle so I add another guidline
to represent the partition from front to back.
Step 2: Define the strands
Hair grows up and out of the head like spikes on a sea-urchin.
(uni anyone? hah, sushi joke). Except hair isn't rigid like a
spike. It's soft so it falls back downward because of gravity.
Draw the hair in smooth sweeps from the hairline and part. Remember..hair
is individual strands.. It's not a helmet made of playdoe. Obviously
you aren't going to draw a million strands but do draw enough
the give body and depth to the hair.
Step 2: Define the body
After you have your strands figured out. Define the outline of
the hair. Trim away stray lines you aren't using and add shading
where the hair is farther away from the viewer or deeper toward
the scalp. Notice the darker shade of purple I used and how it
rounds out the hair? (granted this is a very simplified piece).
Step 4: Create the highlites
Highlites give hair that healthy Anime Pantene glow. The anime
highlite is usually like a halo sitting on the upper 1/3 if the
hair. This all depends on the available light you're using and
whether or not this person would have Shiny hair.
Look in fashion magazines and comics for more style ideas!