3/4 View
: Step 1- the oval
Draw a circle.
The circle is the foundation of the head for any veiwpoint. It
doesn't need to be a perfect circle like this. A basic ovoid shape
will do nicely. Measure out the face by figuring the top of the
head..the bottom of the chin and the eyeline about halfway between.
3/4 View
: Step 2- the chin
Add the chin
and Jawline. Male faces aren't as round and heart-shaped as female
faces. It seems there are more variations available for the male
face than the female face. I'll stick with a standard type here.
Make the angles sharper and the chin square..don't come to a point.
For now just make something like you see here.
View : Step 3-Facial Divisions
Here I decide
the facial planes. It helps me keep the features together and
Notice how the jawline meets up with the vertical earline
View : Step 4- Rough it in
Here I lightly figure where the feeatures
go using the same rules you learned in my other head tutorials.
Eyes approximately 1 eye-width apart. the bottom of the nose sits
on a line halfway between the eyeline and the chin. The mouth
about 1/3 the way down from that. The ear is placed vertically
between the browline and the noseline.
View : Step 4- That Male Face
The Cheekbones and Jawline is what really
helps differentiate your character from other male characters
you will create. It also helps define your character as distictly
male if your having problems with you males looking to "feminine"
(Or maybe you draw bishoujo style..in which case, nevermind).
View : Step 4- Clearing it up
Now you can start to erase your support
lines and concentrate on detailing the features. Male eyes aren't
as large and sparkly as female eyes. They are more rectangular
than almond shaped and the lash lines arent as heavy. Make the
eyebrows strong and dark. The nose should not be tipped up like
on female faces. Make them more "Wedge" shaped.
View : Now you got it
Here's what I came up with for a final
version (granted a messy one). I made the halftone in photoshop
to give it that "manga" feel
Good Luck!